A Post-Finale Message to Producers: Please Stop Wasting Our Time

I just got done watching the finale, and I'm so annoyed I bought into the hype. First, there was nothing even close to "explosive" or "insane." But more annoyingly, this ending went completely against the premise of the entire show.

The winner wasn't even in the top 3 of most villainous, iconic, or entertaining players, and the justifications for the votes just incentivizes future players to go 'head & give us nothing. Why would iconic reality tv villains come on this show and entertain us with their villain antics if the way to win is to coast and be America's Next Top Best Friend? I blame the producers because they should have been constantly reminding everyone from day one of the premise of the show. Of course, everyone has free will, but players tend to vote differently (correctly, imo) when they have a clear understanding of the assignment and have respect for people who actually play the game. They clearly didn't do this, so people who played a more "clean" game (not that anyone truly did) decided to act self-righteous and claim cheating. I would have respected it more if they voted the same way, but said they did because it was the ultimate villainous move, not because they're butt hurt about their own situation.

This was, hands down, one of the least satisfying endings to a competition show.