[P5V6] Summer of Preparations

Now at least when compared to the last book, these tears were bitter sweet but definitely punctuated by a lot of sweet moments. Though it does set a disconcerting tone. I am curious, but if I were to guess the angst is continuing, yes? Because I doubt the nice comfort of Ehrenfest will truly be exported in the way that Rozemyne’s plans are kinda hoping for. She even understands it, at least she SAYS she does, but Elvira doesn’t seem convinced in her conversation with Lieseleta.

So, I can just say the whole conversation with Wilfried and Charlotte about the adoption was such a great like duality between the two of them. It kinda hit all the marks you were expecting going into it. Charlotte, excited about having a future of her own making as well as several options laid before her, and Wilfried in absolute agony over realizing that his suffering was potentially for nothing and yet he would still be forced to endure it.

We didn’t get much of Wilfried prior to this, so I will say it was surprising to hear that his demand for the engagement to be cancelled was entirely out of his desire to HAVE Rozemyne take the throne. He must’ve come to this conclusion shortly after the Liesegangs incident, but knowing that and his inferiority complex suddenly provided some extra light into what was happening. It also made the last two weeks probably unbearable as well for both him and Charlotte. Beforehand his confidence only bolstered by his retainers allowed him some striking and daring moves. When it ended in failure, he felt compelled to blame the closest person in association. Rozemyne became a target, and Charlotte as a blood relative was continuously pressured by his retainers to back him.

But at some point before the conference, that perspective must’ve hard shifted. He no longer understood the path before him as even desired, but the argument with Sylvester left him trapped. He couldn’t escape Rozemyne’s marriage and thus he was to be aub. She was better in every way, but Sylvester would never let a commoner rule Ehrenfest. So for him to suddenly be relinquished of the marriage AND the guaranteed seat it must’ve all felt so pointless. It was not helped by the reality that Rozemyne’s own ascension seemed so clean at first and his emotions certainly blew up. It was pretty nice to see how he and Charlotte experienced more or less the same thing but in reverse. Chained to expectations through no fault of their own. Though, admittedly Charlotte handled hers with grace that definitely felt derived from Florencia.

Bonifatius’ reaction too definitely felt entirely deserved, and it’s extreme rage and anger was so interesting to see. All that love he had suddenly boiled out into just sheer anger at the situation and Sylvester for ‘letting another one go’ but it quickly turned to sand as he realized how much Rozemyne put into this otherwise unavoidable conclusion. Hell, I also like how he just flatly tried to ask if Rozemyne was in love with Ferdinand because of how much she demanded for him and she just had to flip the tables and ask if HE would still love her as a granddaughter even though she was forced away. It was finally a moment she deserved to ask and help clear up the misconception. Of course, receiving 3 carriages of gifts down the line probably didn’t help the case.

You also got some pretty big moments where Rozemyne felt like she failed utterly in defending her siblings. Charlotte’s grief never registered to Rozemyne and even though she was SO dedicated towards her older sister, not once did she even try to find out how she was feeling. She once again understood the laws of nobility and what it demanded, but felt so disconnected from it until it was thrust into her face. It was heart wrenching, and I am surprised she made it out of the meeting without crying.

Compared to the last book, we saw a lot of time flyby after this meeting. We’d get chapters where days flew by, and then chapters where months did. A lot of the focus from here on out was just getting everything ready. Lots of movement happening behind the scenes, as well as the difficult conversations with characters about who would continue into her next life and who would stay behind. It was actually quite troubling, because up until the conversation with Elvira Rozemyne was barely keeping it together in work. Damuel noticed after the meeting that she wasn’t doing okay, something even Hartmut failed to pick up on and felt jealous. I think much like Ferdinand, it always feels like ‘forever from now’ but Elvira definitely helped bring some nice closure there.

Before their meeting, it was kinda hard knowing we’d lose Judithe, Brunhilde, and Lieseleta. Ottilie was around for awhile too, but she was always secondary to Rihyarda and missing her definitely hurt. Damuel was an unknown, and the rest were either forced to go or also unsure.

So being able to have the meeting where Elvira was able to get her daughter to confess her feelings (Not romantic, though Rozemyne certainly tried to) and get Cornelius to admit the obvious was very rewarding. Hell, the story where Lieseleta was almost forced into an unhappy marriage was deeply concerning. So being able to actually have that sweet moment and free both from the regret they would’ve endured was so worth it. So many people now had so many paths open before them, it was actually so nice.

Made even better by the private talk between mother and daughter. This was something that I was waiting for for a while, and it was everything I could’ve wanted and more. It suddenly made Elvira stand so tall as a great mother it’s unbelievable. I always suspected she knew Rozemyne was a commoner, but the blatant admission and her willingness to accept her nonetheless was so moving it was unreal. That sweet moment as they made a hidden room together, and Rozemyne realized that this was perhaps the only time they could be open with one another emotionally was… ah. She, more than probably anyone, understood just how much horrible weight was being thrust upon this poor girl. Yet, despite it all, Rozemyne managed to save her family. Rescue Elvira from a horrible marital state, and even bring her peace in the form of a hobby. The strength that Elvira showed was rewarded with such kindness, that it actually brought Elvira to tears and for her to PRAISE Rozemyne after so many cold months of people just accepting or piling more work onto her, was so deserved. She needed it, more than anything.

This whole scenario is cruel, and Elvira was mourning the loss of a daughter. Not a fake cover story daughter, but Rozemyne as her own practical flesh and blood. It was such a deserved moment for the two, and I hope one day they can meet again. Though, as status dictates, it may in fact be impossible. That alone makes the mourning they both shared so impactful.

Then of course, we finally see a conclusion to Philine and Damuel’s little relationship. Our boy was treated so poorly these last few books but he still stood out as a GOAT. I am really pleased with how it went, and that little moment where Rozemyne acknowledged that Damuel actually might be one of the only people she’ll be able to have some semblance of comfort around anymore was all the more sad knowing that she was willing to let him stay for Philine’s sake. It was better that way, both for him and Philine, but it still definitely hurt knowing that someone who was there for her for so long would now depart the story. It really feels like we’re losing the family again, you know? I look forward to Philine performing the Dunkelfelger mating ritual of course, that Hartmut-Clarissa sequence still got my heart racing.

We did get a moment to make up for their departure though. Benno and Rozemyne being able to talk in the private room and enjoy this moment of pride as Benno watched that merchant grin form on her face. God did he raise her well. The fact he was so willing to move right away, and made preparations to move at the end of the year was hilarious but also a bit concerning. He is right though, with Rozemyne it’s never that simple. 3 years is absolutely not playing out, it’s going to be a year at most. It’s this conversation as well that we find out that Hartmut discovered her origins not too long after becoming Priest himself. This was a little shocking actually, but not by much. I always suspected it wouldn’t be hard to guess considering how the timelines played out. Even Fran had to watch what he says fairly often and a single mistake would make it easy.

Her family also getting to come along is of great relief, especially because Rozemyne rightfully deduced that if Hartmut could find it out from simply just listening then everyone else could as well. This would sever the connection and chain of questions pretty strongly and keep it buried for now. Of course, Kamil was rather upset by this fact but the others all were happy to come along. Lucky enough to justify their departure thanks to the ‘craftsman’ in the family but I do wonder what Gunther will do in the new locale. Maybe guard again, but he’s got a giga-bread winner at this point.

Tuuli though, my lord. Engaged to Lutz?! I knew it was coming, but that was why last thread I never included Lutz x Myne in my ships. It was just impossible, and it made perfect sense. By this point they had a purely friendly relationship and any early romantic feelings were just far too distant to be really felt as kids. Well that and Myne never once thinks like that. Tuuli and Lutz actually grew up together, so it made far more sense that it’d go that route. At least she got someone good though… So thank god for that.

The coming-of-age ceremony was fantastic as well. I loved how quickly Myne lost control and suddenly just had a blessing bomb. She’s really gotta go see a doctor about that, surely there’s some pills she can take (joke).

An interesting note for the Starbinding though, was I think Lutz’s brother who kept staring at her and seemed a bit confused. I wonder if he ACTUALLY figured it out? Or suspected? We never got to see him talk with Lutz in his short story, so we sadly don’t know. But when you compare what the Soldier said at the monastery about already figuring she was leaving the duchy, and the fact that Myne’s entire family, plus Lutz and Tuuli, were leaving specifically with the high bishop I think you’d very easily be able to tell what’s going on here. In fact, I suspect that MAY come into play later though I doubt it’ll be serious.

And of course, we get the letters. I really enjoyed the letters we saw, and it is nice to know that Ferdinand is being kind to Letizia and the shumils are working as intended. Justus is a goat, and I am glad they’re being friendly with one another because it helps keep Ferdinand on a short leash. Though, that last bit of dialogue where he asked her “Please tell me who is your Geduldh” I started to sweat a little bit. I wonder what he was really asking, because at a glance it sounds like such a hilarious way to ask for a confession if you were a normal noble (Which they are not) but in this context it was actually a lot more scary. I think Rozemyne knew what he was implying as well, considering her thoughts instantly went to her potential Zenthood. I believe he was simply asking her where her loyalties lie. Ehrenfest is her home, she would do anything for it. But after so much time, I think a part of her would say Ferdinand. She may not really understand it, but call it a gut feeling.

We end the book with Charlotte and Rozemyne promising to exchange a trinket to signify their sisterhood forever, and I felt actually relieved by this. The reality is, they won’t be sisters at all anymore, so being able to secure that emotional bond no matter how tiny gives me such joy.

The short stories are, of course, very interesting. I already mentioned Lieseletas, but the Detlinde and Sylvester ones are FULL of intrigue. Firstly, we figure out what Lanzenave really is. It’s a land without magic that the former Prince settled and the inability to maintain its foundation requires an extensive breeding program that Yurg. only permitted because it was convenient. Though now we see Lanzio’s absolute ease at manipulating Detlinde. A part of me also wonders if trug may in fact be Lanzenave related. She mentioned smelling sweet things twice, and seemed to reiterate how out of it she felt as she fell for him, though with no fireplace or anything I doubt that’d be the case. But Detlinde is SO fucking out of her mind for this. His promise and knowledge of the G. Book does fit, at least with the understanding that the information was passed down more cleanly by that royal family than the ever changing dynasty of Yurg. Perhaps he knows the means the Dunkelfelger candidate used before? An interesting, albeit horrifying thought.

The idea that multiple G.Books can exist also severely throws into question Rozemyne’s position. If she gets it, and Detlinde does as well, who would people back? Roze is clearly the most competent by every measure, and I imagine the whole royal family would back her. But what about the greater duchies? An Ahrensbach candidate vs the former bottom ranking duchy candidate. I dunno, smells of some seriously dangerous political intrigue.

It clashed perfectly with what we see with Sylvester, and whatever Georgine is plotting. Sigiswald is ofc incompetent here as well, his surprise and wide eyes at Sylvester calling him out and his defense were so silly. He was clearly going through the motions and not treating this as the threat it actually was. Sylvester’s gut is definitely correct here, but to say I’m concerned is an understatement. Rozemyne’s adoption isn’t known, and Georgine suspects that Ehrenfest made a play. So I would like to know what she intends to do after. It clearly seems like an easy opportunity to move into Ehrenfest and start trouble. The Royal family would hardly care if she chose the right time post-G. Book. Raubult is clearly involved, but I STILL don’t know his motivation. He seems scarred by something (heh) and it left a huge impression on him. Hortensia was informed that it was a loveless marriage from the start, and given his knowledge of Ferdinand maybe something related to Lanzenave? In either case, genuine terror awaits me. Perhaps the royal academy can offer us a nice break from this, but something tells me her proximity to royalty will simply make it a miserable academic year. That, and poor Hannelore. She’s going to suddenly realize her best friend IS a Princess.