When ppl assume you’re pro homeschooling…
Just wanted to vent and say I hate when ppl assume I’d be supportive of their decision to homeschool which I consider to be a mistake in almost all but a minority of very specific scenarios. I just had this random chat where this acquaintance who was talking about how if she were to have kids she’d homeschool cus “you just can’t trust the school system nowadays” and I had to bite my tongue to keep my mouth shut that while I agree that the school system has its problems, I believe homeschooling has bigger problems. I think it’s egotistical to think you’d be better than a staff of trained educators specializing in their given subject. I think you can’t replace consistent socialization with a homeschool group (or at least not one like what I grew up with). My truth is I will struggle the rest of my life with learning and physical disabilities that could have been noticed and treated when my brain and body were forming as well as social/interpersonal problems that could have been addressed if I hadn’t been neglected & isolated by homeschooling. So no I won’t be supportive of your decision to homeschool