Does anyone else just.. not feel real sometimes??

Please excuse any bad formatting or other errors. I’m sure you can guess why.

I’m 19 with no license, no job, no education, and only two online friends. The last time I talked to someone in real life (who wasn’t my parents) was in June when I went into a petrol station to buy something because my parents didn’t feel like it. The cashier was nice and made a funny joke about something I was buying, but I responded so awkwardly lol. My hands trembled so badly when I handed him the cash. I just don’t feel like I’m a real human. I don’t necessarily mean that in an “I’m so inferior and worthless I’m subhuman” way (although I have struggled with that before) but more of a dissociating way. Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror just.. totally baffled that I’m a person who exists. I look at my hands and study them and become totally weirded out that I have hands. like wtf??? is a thumb?? Sometimes I wish someone could just hug me and remind me that yeah, I exist. I’m a human. Sometimes nothing feels real. Like a weird dream.