Texas Bock - WYEAST 2308 Munich Lager- Wet Yeast Pitching Error

I'm afraid I made a grave mistake while pitching the yeast for a Texas Bock brew I got from Brew Hound. This was the second time I've done a homebrew, and the first time I used dry yeast. So due to my unfamiliarity with wet yeast, I did not realize there was some 'yeast prep' required going into my brew day. After I had finished my brew and was getting ready to pitch, I saw that I needed to pop a nutrient bag to activate the yeast, let the bag sit and swell for 3 hours, then pitch. It did however say if I couldn't wait (which I was too eager and did not have the patience for this surprise instruction), the user can go ahead and just pitch it after activation. The second incorrect assumption I made was that the nutrient pack was already punctured, because I could not locate it inside the bag and I could feel there was already a decent amount of liquid in the bag and it felt puffy. So I go ahead and open the bag, pour out the liquid, and sure enough a small pack with another liquid finds itself sticking out of the corner that I cut on the bag. Realizing my mistake, I quickly isolate the nutrient pack inside the bag, pop it with my palm, and pour it into my wort with a light stir to try and help the yeast find the nutrient. Essentially zero activity from the airlock for the first probably 24 hours. I did start to notice very light activity, maybe one bubble every 1-2 minutes after about 32 hours. At about 48 hours I am starting to see some pretty consistent activity on the airlock. Am I just going to have to wait a little longer for fermentation or did I royally screw this up?