What being DS was like for me

Id come into work early after closing the night before.

I'd start scanning outs to be interrupted by my ASM handing me a 2 page list of tasks (just bullet points) he says "top priority"

Then ask i start working on my tasks, when I hear my name on the PA System


15 pages per 30 minutes, phone ringing off the hook

Load customers, cover this department, bring in freight, rework the front apron, etc

Asm gives another task: purge pack down ENTIRE d25

Keep in mind I am not allowed to delegate tasks per my store manager. Absolutely refuses to let me get help.

Lunch rolls up an i leave the store because my phone won't shut the fuck up and the paging on overhead are just my name every few minutes

Pull orders, do this do that

Come back from lunch people act like the store caught fire.

ASM do gems top priority

Call comes in from CXM, "need you to do gets for the Department supervisors who are not here"

I tell her "I'm the only ds here"

So she says: okay so do them all

Then when the end of the day comes 2 hours after I'm off i get yelled at for not getting everything done.

Next day rinse and repeat

I was literally looking into an rv to park out front for how little I was home

Thank God the torture is over