Jovan: Symbolism or Coincidence

Finished the book about a month ago and almost through my second listen (audiobook), and I can’t help but try to find any and all trends and clues to try to figure things out while I wait for book 2. So here’s my question/theory:

Anguis attacks/significant events both happen around things involving Jovan. Festival of Jovan, Iudicium involving the Heart of Jovan. Jovan is the God of sky and thunder, the king of the gods. So while it could simply be coincidence because he’s the king of the gods and therefore most worshipped - could there be some symbolism or deeper meaning? I can’t help but think about “thunder” and the Naumachia mentions of things similar to thunder and the “thrungs” throughout the story. I also think back to the “in trying to become god, they created him” message.

It’s a weak coincidence, but I found it interesting! Thoughts?