Hi everyone.
Here is my flare up, which has been going on for more than 2 months. I don't know whats been triggering it. The flare on the left came up first about 2 months ago, and the one on the right actually started flaring and has now become the same size as the first one about 2 weeks ago.
I hot compress, but it doesn't give me consistent results. These are on my crotch line (I'm a male). Just constant pain and general discomfort. These flares have popped up from previous scars, which have been dormant for 6+ years.
I have to say, this one just won't go away. This is the longest I've had a flare with no improvement what so ever. I think I probably made things worse by pricking the one on the left multiple time when it swelled up - this was before I knew that pricking and bursting can cause scar tissues that can make it worse. That entire side of my crotch line is hard to the touch under the skin.
I also generally feel ridiculously tired all the time now.
Just asking for advice here. How do I care for them? I put vicks vaporub on them before sleeping. I don't know how to change my diet yet. I also don't want to take any chemical medicines right now, until I fully explore and exhaust natural remedies.
Thank you everyone, and please be kind - and I hope everyone who has this dreadful disease can recover quickly.
Stay strong.