Potential partner just disclosed herpes


I'm just wondering how people make the decision whether to pursue a sexual relationship with someone who has herpes if you don't have the virus yourself? I'm a very sex positive person and very grateful he disclosed it to me a couple of days in advance and offered to answer any questions but I don't want to interrogate him! For context I think this would only be a casual sexual relationship, I'm 23, F, and regularly (every couple of months) get tested for STIs since a past relationship with a sex worker (also female), but I've never tested positive for an STI myself nor had any symptoms.

I'm surprised I've never encountered this situation before tbh and I've always thought I would be fine with it but it's made me a little bit scared.

He is on daily antivirals and also we would use condoms. So I know risk of contraction is minimal, but I have so many thoughts.. is if safe to give/receive oral? What else do I need to consider? Has anyone else been in this situation that could give me their thoughts??? TIA 😊