90s or early 2000s student enacting various emotions and expressions
Can’t remb exactly when, either late 90s or early 2000s (or maybe I’m completely off and it was a little later), there was an Asian student who had a website where he would post all of these crazy funny enactments of emotions and also common expressions, like sad, tired, hopeful, etc., all done in a funny way. There were dozens (dozens!) of them, one that comes to mind was “kicking ass and taking names” where he had a bunch of guys against a wall and he was holding a notebook in his hand and pretending he was kicking their ass and taking their names. I can’t remb his name/the site name, but it was something with a verb in it I think (could be wrong), like his name, a verb and maybe something else, like BrandonActsEmotions (this is only an example — if I knew what it actually way I wouldn’t be posting).
Anyone remember?