Oh _________!

I’ve had a feeling that ever since the final 8, I knew that her poor attitude was gonna catch up to her down the line and look at what happened. I knew that she would be another modern day version of Joy(S12). Granted she didn’t quit during service like Joy did but still. I don’t blame Ramsay for not wanting to hire her with that type of behavior. What’s even more insulting is that she had to be reminded by Ramsay to thank him on her way out and was still salty about her elimination. She doesn’t even get a montage either. Last time that’s happened to a Black Jacket chef was either Santos(S13) or Jennifer(S13).

With the season almost over, we’re down to the final 3 now and it’s anyone’s game at this point. Respectfully though, Whit has a great future ahead so I just want to say best wishes to her. What are your thoughts on this episode.