Supercredit drop rates are fine as is
I think it’s pretty generous that we can find supercredits in the map just by playing the game. There are plenty of other games which not only don’t offer free premium currency, but also hide the purchase decision behind some kind of gambling mechanic.
Obviously we would all want tons of super credits so we would never have to pay for anything, but the option to not pay for anything is already in the game. It just comes down to impatience with the rate of supercredit collection.
I don’t think it’s unfair for Arrowhead to charge premium currency for new content, that’s the live service model. People prioritize purchasing better war bonds, and skip bad warbonds. Arrowhead sees which warbonds are the most profitable, and is subsequently incentivized to create good content.
Requests for higher SC drop rates come across as ungrateful imo, and requests to have supercredits awarded from objective based tasks like the egg/confidential data can indirectly damage the health of the game
EDIT: Replying to a few of the common comments here for brevity
Guaranteed super credits on difficulty 10 via skull/egg could be bad for the game. Not everyone wants to speed clear objectives->fortress->extract. People already don’t use the private game feature, and there’s no lobby style matchmaking to find like-minded players. Additionally, having a way to guarantee SC in super helldive could easily create an issue where unprepared players try to take on difficulty 10 before they’re ready. This could lead to complaints that difficulty 10 is unbalanced (too hard), or that super credits are unfairly gatekept to harder difficulties.
I have slightly changed my mind however, I do think that the farming of lower levels is bad for the game as well, since it takes away from experience of lower level players who want to learn the game at their pace without farmers. I don’t think that you should be rewarded with more super credits for playing lower levels, but I also don’t think you should be rewarded for playing higher levels.