For the love of every democratic, STOP nerfing based things based on popularity AH.
I don't understand the logic and it's obvious that you guys have a PvP mentality for a PvE game. I thought the WHOLE POINT was to have mindless fun with friends in the name of liberty for Super Earth, but no instead you gut every single thing that has an ounce of fun.
Railgun: killed too fast in safe mode and had no reason to use unsafe mode. That ain't good, nerf that. Months later "why is no one using the railgun?"
Slugger: Outright better than the sorry ass excuses for the DMRs in every way. Nope can't have that, get rid of the stagger and range. Months later "why isn't anyone touching the Slugger?"
Arc Thrower: Man this thing fires far, fast, and makes fucks almost anything that happens to be in front of it, including teammates. Let's lower that fire rate and distance and introduce some misfires. Arc Thrower collecting dust
Quasar Cannon: Pretty much a direct competitor to the EATs but not really outright replacing it, solid stratagem and really the pinnacle of what balance is: strong but not OP with fair downsides. Nah fuck that add an extra 5 seconds to the cooldown that way anything that's a 2 shot with it needs 30+ seconds to kill now.
Eruptor: You know what you did to that weapon and it didn't deserve it at all and then you decided after the nerf to slap ricochet onto it for no reason.
And when you FINALLY fix the DoT bug you realized "damn buffing based on glitches instead of targeting the glitches first really overtuned fire." But instead of thinking rationally and balancing out that you went "We should nerf it into the ground before our BIG FIRE THEMED WARBOND" and somehow are surprised everybody is pissed off yet again???
I could go on and on about everything that was nerfed horribly because it just keeps happening then yall use that famous dev speak "We hear you and we're working on it" but here's a simpler idea and approach: PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING STOP NERFING FUN.
I pray y'all fix that mentality because honestly at this point unlike Chargers after the nerf, this game is cooked. I'm just gonna take a break and hope I can come back to a fun game sometime down the line because I sincerely want this game to succeed and want that fun feeling I had during launch. But until then....
See yall in Space Marine II