Experience with supplements anyone?


I suffer from excess facial hair and painful periods but I dont qualify for PCOS apparently. My periods are regular and I dont have any hairloss or any of the other symptoms. I've been supplementing with progesteron gel and vitex agnus-castus (monkpepper) which have helped alot already. My facial hair has lessened but its still here and I've read that Inostiol can have an added positive effect on the menstrual cycle especially in the ovulatory phase and thus on the facial hair aswell. Before my period I also experience some PMS symptoms wich mostly show up as feeling incredibly irritable and aggressive which my neuropathic doctor said is due to too much testosterone but this never showed as elevated in any labs.. ugh this is all so frustrating. Has anyone tried Inostiol and can share some experience, or experience in general? I hope it's okay to post this here, even if it's about hormones and technically not about my va-ja-jay. Blessings to you all.