“You’re only 19! You’re still very very young!”
I’ve seen a lot of responses on my post that Dr K read and the replies I’ve seen the most was “you’re only 19, you are way too young, come back when you’re 40!”. Basically people being dismissive about my situation just because I may not be as old as them. I get being 19 isn’t the age where you’re expected to get married, have your dream job, or move into a big 2 story house; but those replies make it seem like being 19 is equivalent of being someone who is in High School or recently graduated from it. At 19 most people are at least in their first or second year of college, have a part time job, or even have their own vehicle. The problem is that I have none of that which isn’t by choice. I tried applying for jobs, kept getting declined from a lot of them, no money for college (not even community college), and no car. It feels so degrading not even being able to afford classes but I’m being told that just because I’m 19 I get instantly shut down. As I said, 19 isn’t the age where you find a dream job and get married but you are still an adult. Wished people could try to be open minded about things sometimes.