Self Help Website and AI Journaling app (asking advice/thoughts)

Hey guys I'm middle-aged and I'm starting a project, I want to write a journal app that uses AI to generate advice from a philosophical or psychological perspectives. I'm a software developer and I want to use the Avalonia framework to make an app that can run on mobile and desktop and I want to include it as part of a self-help website where I use AI to synthesize information from various self-help resources and maybe research papers on things I think are helpful and combine it with my own writing.

I also want to have links to as many great resources as I can find. I purchased the "" domain tonight but I'm struggling with some self-doubt. It's a big project, and I'm not sure anyone other than me would find it useful or beneficial. I keep trying to think of it like a project just for myself figuring if nobody else sees it at least it could hold a lot of useful information i could look back on from time to time. And if I had a journal app with AI advice built in from different perspectives, I feel like that is something I could use and get value from.

I guess I'm struggling with doing the action for the sake of the action and not caring about the outcome and whether or not it's all a waste of time and effort. I mean I honestly can't think of anything better to do in my spare time and it beats vegging out on you tube. But I nonetheless have this feeling of anxiety about it.

Dr K says you should focus on the action and not care about the outcome, but it feels hard to do the work knowing it may have no value. If anyone has any advice on the whole taking action just for the sake of action I'd love to hear it.