How good is Creative's SXFI at "out of the head" localization?(poll)
Hi to everyone.
I'm interested in Creative's new virtual surround(VS) technology, SXFI, and I would like to know what the title says. Especially for frontal localization, where almost all of VS technologies and binaural recordings fail dramatically. For those who tested it with certified headphones, please. So I created the following poll:
ps: I didn't mention anything about sound quality, because dolby headphone was also heavily bashed for its room simulation effects(reverb, comb filtering), but until now it's the only solution I've tried with good enough frontal localization(center channel is projected in front of you). With GSX being a close second. And I think that room simulation plays a big role in it.
You often read that room effects destroy the sound environment of games. Yet no one stops for a second to think that sound production of games takes place inside rooms(studios) with speakers. Not anechoic chambers. Realistic reverb must be added in order to recreate the experience sound technicians had while creating the various effects. The same holds for music.
Thank you in advance