I am desperate for this grease to end.
I spent a year trying to train my hair and it’s bullshit.. I have fine hair but alot of it. I have non greasy ends but my scalp is always so oily. I can never wear my hair down because I’m 12 hours it’s gross. Not like an oil slick but it just begins again. I wash my hair every other day. Because the rest of it is dry. I’ve tried so many products I have tried using moisturizing products and curly products and clarifying products. Expensive shampoos and conditioners but alas. My hair continues to feel dirty. I also have a shower filter for hard water so that’s not it. The ONLY time my hair has ever been consistently felt clean was if I shower with city water. I grew up in NYC and I swear my hair was healthier then. Idk what else to do 😭