7 months after hair transplant, kinda worried
Hey guys.
7 months ago i had hair transplant, 1200 grafts. Mostly in temples, few on a crown (in crown it was just around 100 grafts cuz i was not really bald there, just had a little-light spot on top of my head so i told doc to fill it just a bit.) Im appoaching 7 months post op, and desity still lacking. Hairline is pretty OK, but hair behind are still very thin. I noticed most of growth from month 3-4, then by 5th month hair got little darker and stronger, but my native hair is very thick comparing to my corners and it makes big contrast, especially under harsh light or daylight. Im not sure if my surgeon didnt implant enough grafts, or my body rejected some, i really dont know. I spoke to my doc he said its too early to evaluate my final result, but im curious what u guys think about this. Do you think that can I expect more of this? Im on 1.25 mg fin every day, 2x topical min daily, ketoconazol shampoo 1x weekly, microneedling 0.5mm 1/2x weekly.