Hurtful jokes

Yesterday I met this guy and we spent the whole day chatting. We even sat on FaceTime for about three hours. We talked about not wanting to see each other‘s time so I worked up the courage to disclose, mind you this is literally day one of meeting them. He took the news pretty well, but by the end of the call, he made a very hurtful jokes/comment. And I quote “herpes infested coochie”. That’s pretty much where the conversation ended. We hung up this morning. I sent an audio message explaining like that. He hurt my feelings and such. He apologized and he said he really didn’t mean to offend me and that he does make far-fetched jokes. He also mentioned that he does make like self deprecating jokes or jokes to make light of a situation. He did take accountability and own up to his words, but I’m not sure how to move forward because I’ve never had anyone say that to me let alone I don’t want anyone to be with me that thinks I’m gross.

Dating while having herpes is tough and I hate disclosing because I’m not sure how that person is going to react. At this point, I honestly would just rather be single.