Did you accept your diagnosis since day1 or was it a process?
I got diagnosed end september this year (3 months ago) and I have cried a lot and suffered a lot, not for the OB themselves (i have had two) but maily for the change it means in my prospect of meeting a new person.
For the past few weeks a female friend who does not know about my status kept insisting on introducing me to a guy friend of her, thinking we are a great match etc. i avoided twice but went to the third meeting.
I went and had fun but did not engage on any flirt cos Im scared of things evolving and having to disclose. Im not ready to that moment, and even if I was, i dont accept myself yet.
Im not in a hurry but im just curious. Is it a process where everyone takes different timing to get there and don’t feel overwhelmed? Or should i be adapted by now and it is becoming a trauma? Or there are ppl that adjust to their diagnosis right away and others who will never?
I simply cannot picture in my head the moment where i will feel ready and “back to normal”