MONTHLY POST: What are you writing? January 2025

Happy New Year! You know the drill. Time to update us on your progress on fic and art. Congrats to anyone with a finished story! Please remember to include the title, pairing(s), and a link. If it's still a WIP, maybe mention that, too.

I'm going through a self-hating phase, and everything I write feels like a dead frog. I can't wait until this mood is over. The fic's not that bad! I just wish it would write itself. 🙃

So tell me about the wonderful things you're working on and maybe that will help inspire me again. :)

NOTE: I'm not adding a monthly "What are you reading" sticky post this time. u/Grouchy-Grapefruit72 has come up with a better and more frequent way of encouraging people to share recs, and that seems to fill the gap nicely.

Reminder: all LGBT ships are welcome. ❤️