Am i overthinking this? My wife wants to stay at home

My wife and I (43) have been very conservatively saving and investing since getting married. Our NW is 5 million. No debt. 2.8 in investments, 2 in primary home + rental properties, 200k cash equivalents, all paid off, no mortgage or CC debt. 529s funded, retirement accounts growing at steady pace even if we do not add a cent. We have generally prioritized debt reduction over investment growth. We are both professionals with 2 boys (6 and 9). She is not feeling as fulfilled with her work and considering staying at home. Many moms in our neighborhood that we moved to 2 years ago do not work. Hhi 620k, of which her contribution is 120k. She has a doctorate and MBA. I worry that she will not feel fulfilled after a few months, we already have a 35hr per week nanny, cleaners, afterschool tutors and kids are in school all day. I think she should try changing jobs to something she enjoys more regardless of pay. Am i overthinking this since it is not as much a financial decision as a career one? Am i just anxious that we have been both contributing financially and doing well for so long to rock the boat at this point?