I’d rather watch Ryan get his own reality series than watch another season of Gypsy Rose

I make no apologies. I tuned in because I was fascinated with Gypsy’s court case, having seen The Act and the HBO doc. I felt bad for Gypsy because of the torture her mother put her through and how she was robbed of a normal life through her mother forcing her to stay young and invalid, followed by several years in prison. I worried about her jumping into another prison by marrying so soon and my first impressions of Ryan was that he was controlling and was going to be physically abusive. I really wanted to see what Gypsy was going to be like out in the real world and watch her catch up with her dad and experience everything that had been missing in her life.

After seeing all of season 1 of her show, I have seen enough of her. I expected her to suffer from arrested development given what she went through. What I did not expect and turned me off is her mean spirited and trashy personality. She used Ryan and led him on. He provided her with money while she was in prison and a place to stay that would look good for her parole officer. She never loved him but led him on several times, but at the same time was also texting Ken behind Ryan’s back. Several times she made Ryan feel inadequate, like the day before Valentine’s Day. The way she and her stepmom have treated Ryan since she left him has been downright cruel. Her dad and half sister Mia are good people but her dad is not going to be much of an influence at this point. I have no desire to see Gypsy with Ken, a guy that conspired with Gypsy’s stepmom to break up a marriage and has been selfish this whole time. Yes, Ryan and Gypsy both are too emotionally immature to be married, especially to each other. That said I can see Ryan, after therapy and experience, become a good husband for someone. His heart was in the right place and while being needy and controlling made him look bad, the last episode really showed that Gypsy brought out a lot of those bad personality traits that I don’t think he would have had in a normal relationship. That text he sent about her dad, once I saw the whole conversation, was taken way out of context and then used against him. She has also lied or exaggerated things to make him look bad to her family. He is a teacher for special needs kids and I could tell he was willing to do anything for his wife, including giving her space at times she asked for it.

I’m over Gypsy Rose and tired of seeing Ryan abused emotionally and treated like trash. I want to see him have the last laugh with a good redemption story. Give this man his own show where he sees a therapist and personal trainer. Let him go on the dating scene and build back his confidence. Let’s see more of his mom instead of Gypsy trashy stepmom.