[Question] Why isnt my guitar intonation changing at all?

I have a stratocaster and recently installed a new musicality steel trem block, all holes match up except the tremolo arm which is a bit far back compared to the bridges hole, I put everything together and put new strings on and tuned them to standard tuning then tried to intonate the strings, but every string seems to be one octave up, even if I bring the saddles all the way back or all the way forward to where the screws about to come out, so the low E is stuck on E3, A2 is stuck on A3, D3 is stuck on D4#, G3 is stuck on G4, B3 is stuck on B4, E4 is stuck on E5, I do intonation by playing the open tuned string then playing a natural harmonic on the twelfth fret, I use guitartuna, I don't have a physical tuner.