New gear ideas for Grayzone pt 1

Hi everyone, really happy about the conversation we all had last time, a lot of you brought up some really cool ideas for future weapons. I hope to continue that energy with gear items. I’ll split it up between local ai and pmcs/elite ai

Locals Desert storm era kit (pasgt) helmets Vietnam era frag vest Camos and vests used by Thai, Chinese, and Philippine armed forces. Soviet helmets that have the old school visor (Believed it’s called an ATLIN helmet)

Pmc 5.11 plate carriers (or any other brand) Slings for bonus handling Mystery ranch packs More bulky body armour with shoulder pauldrons with added frag protect Lvl 4 plates

Also arm bands to PID friendlies would be sick lmao

Also I think the bosses headdress like the beret should be worth more as a lil cool bounty. I look forward to hearing all your ideas y’all.