P7P green flicker and black screen of death - Google Support RMA feedback
After less than 5 months, my P7P experienced this issue. I actually had no idea about this issue until I searched for it here and saw multiple posts on Google Support pages. I have not dropped my phone on any hard surface. I have no screen cracks, no rear camera cracks, no dents or anything. It's been in a case since I got it and has never gotten uncomfortably warm.
I spent about an hour and a half with Google support chat and they agreed to send me a new phone through RMA after trying to get me to a repair specialist and me sending a video of the issue. Unfortunately they are sending me another P7P which I'm not thrilled about since I asked repeatedly for a regular P7 in hopes I won't experience the issue again.
Issue: out of nowhere phone flickers green at the top and screen turns black but is still responsive to touch. I can still swipe and tap but cannot see anything. Restarting it (power + volume up) only solved it temporarily. Restarting (power + volume down for 45sec) was suggested by Google support which did nothing. This happened totally out of the blue, was not even using my phone and hadn't been while I was working.
Very disappointed due to timing and now I'm out of a phone kind of but this is the first issue that has happened to me and this is my 4th pixel device.
Temporary? Fix: I set lockscreen to the longest timeout (30min) and have not hit the lock button in about an hour. So far screen is still on and working, no flicker issue. Prior to that I had it working for about 20 min straight but accidentally locked it due to habit and just left it on the charger for another 20min, came back and it was normal like it just restarted.
Obviously the above isn't sustainable so hopefully the replacement phone doesn't experience this issue. I am paying for the phone via the Pixel Pass which really sucks because otherwise I would try to find a regular P7 and trade it in.
Below is a video of the issue:
Know this probably doesn't help anyone but just wanted to provide a data point and experience with Google Support. Not looking forward to tomorrow morning as I can't keep my phone unlocked all night unfortunately. I don't see anywhere in the settings that disables the lockscreen timeout.
Edit: so far today I have managed to get by with my temporary fix of simply not unlocking my phone. This must be some sort of hardware issue with the screen and lock button because the only times I experience this flicker is if I lock the screen via the button out of habit.
I have literally left my phone on and unlocked all day, normal use making calls, texting, YouTube, Reddit, everything normal and haven't had any flickering during use while the phone was on and unlocked.
Only way I manage to regain the screen is if I let my phone charge for a bit and don't touch it which sucks when I have to take a call or if I needed it during an emergency. My new phone is set to come in next week so hopefully I can survive the weekend. Best of luck to all of you experiencing this issue.
Edit #2: below is a video of a new related issue to the green flicker. It seems keeping my phone screen on and usable is causing some side effects.
New phone coming in Tuesday but want to keep showing supportive evidence of the issue for u/PixelCommunity to see.