Games with lots of content overwhelm me, anything I could try?

I’ve been playing more games lately because I just got a steam deck ( which I’m very impressed with ,btw) and anyway I find myself having a lot of overload ( it’s a bit like sensory overload , I’m Autistic and ADHD and I know what that feels like) from keeping track of all the complex mechanics and big worlds . Spider-Man isn’t too bad so far because I’m just playing the story linearly and I’ll figure out the side content later but even semi open stuff like Hollow Knight just makes me feel worn out because it’s like there’s so much to do and see and I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing. Not to mention stuff like project zomboid and Rimworld, and Kenshi that are sandbox games and don’t have enough direction. Anyway I might have to stick to linear shooters and Interactive movie type games for the time being ( I have been enjoying the Wales interactive movie type games ). Any advice ? I feel something must be wrong with me if I get burnt out so easily