Okay, hear me out
But the more times I watch the revival, the more I don’t hate it. Yes there are parts that are just silly and unnecessary, like the town musical, Luke and Lorelai never having talked about having kids at all after all the years that have passed, the town doesn’t feel as bright and airy like it did in the show. Can’t explain it but the setting feels different even though it isn’t.
Rory’s career crisis feels a little realistic honestly. She entered into journalism when newspapers were pretty much dying. I’m a journalism major turned marketing strategist, so I get it. Seeing Rory cheat with Logan years after she turned down his proposal was an odd choice but ASP has admitted to never seeing season 7. I think a lot of the issues with the revival are from her not seeing season 7 and not realistically having the character’s story lines age in reality to the fact that time has passed.
Emily’s story line was perfect though. Lorelai and Emily having the “you need money” was a cute take to episode 1, Rory writing a book was very fitting, and we finally see Lorelai and Luke tie the knot.
All in all, I don’t hate it. I don’t LOVE it, but I don’t hate it as much as I did when I first saw it in 2016 lol.