Growing up in the 80’s, what were some things that your friends were able to have that were not allowed by your parents?

I was talking to a friend and we were discussing some things other friends were able to have growing up, that we weren’t… and vice-versa.

We had a friend whose mom wouldn’t let them watch Care Bears, because their family was super-religious, and the Care Bears apparantly ‘cast spells’ on the show lol.

Another friend would beg us to dub cassette tapes of our favorite bands (often the same bands and records over & over) because his mom didn’t want him listening to any hard rock, so she’d toss his room every week for contraband and we’d get the call the next day that he needed another copy made. He’d spend his allowance solely on blank TDK or Maxell tapes.

For me, it was a dog. I was obsessed with dogs but grew up in an apartment where we couldn’t have pets. But as a kid, I’d go door-to-door in the neighborhood, and basically beg people to take their dogs for a walk every day (for free). And I’d pet every dog I’d see on my way home from school for as long as they’d take it.

What are some things that you or your friends weren’t able to have that seemed otherwise “normal” for other kids to have in the 80’s?