All french voice actors for Apex Legends refuse future work over new contract clause for AI training

Pascale Chemin (Wraith's VA) posted a statement on her Instagram, tagging all the other french VAs for the game.

Here is a translation to english :

Before even being called in for a video game recording session, the studio sent me (as well as the other 31 actors in the cast) an additional contract by email—directly from the publisher—regarding confidentiality and rights assignment. In order to be called in and thus to work, I must first accept these clauses. At first glance, they are not acceptable, which aligns with the opinion of my specialized audiovisual lawyer. I find myself forced to “give up” the role I had been selected for, after 6 years. In no way can I “force” the rest of the cast to do the same.

But what I want to say is: if we refuse, we will no longer portray these roles. If we accept, we are essentially endorsing the addendum.


We hope that an agreement will be reached between the recording studio, the broadcaster, and the publisher before recording begins, so that everything can return to normal and we can work together again under good conditions.

We do not wish, and cannot, say more. Other actors in other countries have also received this addendum in relation to the new law on intellectual property and its application in Europe.

This is not the first time, nor will it be the last. We have already witnessed this kind of abuse in the past. We are being asked to agree to give up all rights to our voices, with no guarantee of limited use. We are being asked to endorse AI.

Apex is not explicitely named, but she tagged the accounts of all the other french VAs from the game and it is, as mentioned in the post, 6 years old.