Would you keep only the Gamecube?

I've just had this thought, but if you were forced to downsize your collection of retro consoles, would the Gamecube be your choice? No PS2, no N64, nothing else? Don't worry about handhelds, I'm not counting those in this discussion.

Last year, I purged out most of my home consoles, leaving only the Gamecube, Wii U, and my handhelds. I reinvested that cash into expanding my Gamecube collection, and while there are still plenty I'd like to own, I have most of the heavy hitters. That was a good decision long term, as I didn't have any problems when I moved out of my apartment.

Beyond the obvious monetary side of things, along with how much space everything took, I found I did not collect sustainably. I often bought games that were on my wishlist when I found a deal, rather than when I needed something else to play. Purging out everything helped me refocus, and I'm gradually working my backlog down so I can be comfortable getting more again.

It's been enlightening for me, playing so much while being limited, and growing to value the variety present on the Gamecube despite how poorly it was supported compared to other consoles. It really provides so much, and with the GBA, DS and 3DS to complement it, I'm really not missing out on many games from Nintendo.

I'm considering eventually getting consoles like the N64 again, mostly for playing on my CRT and the controller, but I've liked the simplicity of choosing a game to play on my cube, rather than choosing what console to play and then a game. Does anyone else do the same, or desire to do the same?