Guy calls me and claims I “trapped him”

Got a call a few days ago from a guy claiming someone sold him an Xbox with an elite controller instead of a regular controller.

He only bought it a few days ago and wanted to trade it in instead of return it. I said if you bought it a few days ago I could do a return for you but I can’t do it without the proper controller.

He immediately starts giving me shit about how it’s “our fuck up” that the elite controller is in there and then claimed we “trapped him” into buying the system with the wrong controller. Because he got at my store apparently. Any time I tried to find a solution or get more answers out of him he would cut me off and go on a vitriol filled accusation spree.

I told him that if it came with the elite like he claims then it was a mistake that an employee made at some point. (And since I’m a trade hold store I tried to explain that process but shit for brains couldn’t even comprehend the difference between a return and a trade in). I looked up his account and on hyrule hub it says he only bought the thing three days ago. So I asked why he wanted to trade it instead of return it because he would be actively wasting money on a trade in. He couldn’t give me a straight answer so my bullshit meter started going off.

Claimed another store said it’s alright to trade it in with an elite controller. I told him that he was given false info and that we can’t take in trades with an elite controller. He wasn’t having that and got irate at me. I told him straight up if he continues to yell at me I’m not gonna continue to try and help him. He ended up telling me “I’m just gonna to the other store since you’re so incompetent” I just told him “you do that, have a great day.” He called me a bitch and hung up.

I wish I wasn’t immediately busy afterward so I could call the store he mentioned to warn them. Just never got the chance.

TL;DR: dude potentially tried to bullshit his way into a trade we can’t do and got pissy when I said no.