DoM 3rd ritual full evocation
Would like to try it. Any success stories, how long it took you, and all of that? Wanna know experience, if you used other help or mixed with other methods etc...
Edit: did a first attempt today. I couldn't see the Demon but I felt it much more clear than when doing ritual 2. I told the demon that I would call him again and that he better appears faster and visible to me. I used the full 3rd ritual and added the following invocation from Goetia of Dr rudd.
I invoke and conjure you, spirit N, and armed with the power of the Supreme Majesty, I firmly command you by Beralanensis [be-ra-la-NEN-sis], Baldachiensis [bal-da-KI-en-sis], Paumachiae [pau-ma-KI-ae], and Apologiae [a-po-lo-JI-ae], and by the most powerful princes, Genius Liachiae [ye-NIO li-a-KI-ae], ministers of the Tartarean seat, principal prince of the throne of Apologia in the ninth region.
I exorcise and powerfully command you, spirit N, in the name of Him who spoke the word, and it was done, and by all the sacred and glorious names of the Most High and True God. By these, His most holy names: Adonai [a-do-NÁI], El [EL], Elohim [e-lo-HIM], Elohé Zebaoth [e-lo-HÉ tse-ba-OTH], Elion [e-LI-on], Eserchie [e-SER-ki-e], Jah [YA], Tetragrammaton [te-tra-gram-ma-TON], and Shaddai [sha-DAI]. That you immediately appear and show yourself before me within this circle in a human form, beautiful and without deformities or horrible appearances.
Without delay, come and give rational answers to all the things I ask of you. Come peacefully, visibly, and amicably, without delay, manifesting what I desire, being conjured by the eternal, living, and true God Helioren [he-li-O-ren].
I conjure you also by the special and true name of your God, whom you obey, and by the name of your king who rules over you. Come immediately, without delay, fulfill my desires and commands, and persist until the end according to my intentions.
I conjure you in the name of Him whom all creatures obey and by His ineffable name, Tetragrammaton Jehovah [ye-ho-VA], whose sound causes the elements to stir: the air to tremble, the sea to withdraw, the fire to be extinguished, the earth to quake, and all the heavenly, earthly, and infernal hosts to be troubled and confused together. Speak visibly and amicably with me, with a clear, intelligible voice, without ambiguity.
Therefore, come in the name of Adonai [a-do-NÁI], Zebaoth [tse-ba-OTH], Adonai Amiorem [a-do-NÁI a-mi-O-ren]. Come, come! Why do you delay? Adonai Shaddai [a-do-NÁI sha-DAI], the King of Kings, commands you.