Sweet Baby Inc: How Activism Poisons
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1utnMF1MVf0&pp=ygUXc3dlZXQgYmFieSBob3cgYWN0aXZpc20%3D - 1 hour and 42 minutes.
"Can you tell when you are being lied to? Are you able to tell right from wrong? And more importantly... are you aware of who whispers into your ears?
This production sets out to unravel the mystery of the 'Sweet Baby Inc.' situation. A company that was a mere blip on the radar more than a month ago has now found itself embroiled in a web of allegations, judgments, and protests. In the midst of the ongoing fiasco, more and more pertinent questions began to surface. What is the true nature of Sweet Baby Inc.'s operations? What are their real motives in the industry?
And most importantly, who really poisoned the well in this raging discourse surrounding the current state of modern video games today?"
Just discovered this vid because it was promoted by Parallax, who criticized Nas Daily and Hero Hei (a person I follow).
I skimmed through the vid (cuz I want to do my own research on said topic before watching it), but I was turned off when he said that Muta spread misinformation about Sweet Baby Inc.
Your thoughts on it?