Anghkooey, is it an anagram?
I don’t think it means remember. Is it discussed somewhere that it could be a sentence? Like an anagram?
I thought I’d find some threads on this, but I didn’t. Can someone point me in the right direction, if it’ve been discussed?
Could it be: HANG KEY 00 (zero-zero)
Which means hang key 12 o’clock. Considering the bottles with numbers hanging in the three in the Forrest. Midnight is what it is in horror. Now the number 12 means something in the series (the tone scale). Also Jim saying when writing on the wall: the answer is 12. 00 means 12 (o’clock) which means midnight which means the spooky hour in horror.
Or could be: «HANG NO KEY/NO KEY HANG»
Thoughts? For example, key seems like an highly likely word coming from it. Key could refer to a piano key too, ref. the lullaby.