180 question
Hi everyone, I know this is a really beginner question, but basically I'm trying to get my first "real" 180. Last season and the one before I've actually hit some but only on tiny jumps where I basically got no air, as I couldn't work up the courage to take it to a bigger jump. However last weekend I got a chance to ski the park more than one run in the same day and decided to just do it. I went for a 180 on a medium ish sized jump and all went pretty well actually. I got a decent amount of air, got the rotation no problem, and even landed the trick. The problem was with that size jump and amount of air, I came out of the jump riding switch with way more speed than I've ever ridden switch before(I really haven't at all except for randomly trying it for fun), and couldn't bring it back around without catching an edge. Part of it was due to just confidence though, as I did panic a little bit at the unfamiliar feeling of being in the air backwards, which caused me to just try to panic turn around with too much speed when I probably could have just stopped. So my question is number one, how to get better at riding switch, and number two, how to not panic.
Also by the way I come from a racing background and haven't done a lot of tricks and whatnot, but I do want to get better at it since I feel like it's the one area of skiing that I kinda suck at compared to my skill level in other areas lol. Also part of catching an edge might have been the fact that I was doing it on race skis and not twintips lol, idk if riding switch on "non-twintips" is the best idea.