First team dinner at Keen's - what should I expect?
Started in a bank this past Aug after graduating and the team is going out for a holiday dinner to Keen's. I'm the only new analyst and the rest of the team are all very senior people. The team + me will be a total of 5 people
I haven't been to Keen's before - how do these types of things go? Is it automatically assumed that everyone will order their own steak, given that this place has huge portions of meat? If it is shared, ex 1-2 for the table, I'm going to just let everyone else decide among themselves. If not shared, I'll get the taste of mutton (even 10oz is big for me) and a side dish/salad. I am confident in my table manners, but if anyone has any tips on what to expect, I would appreciate it as I'm going in blind here. I don't really drink and would prefer to stick with water; if the team shares a bottle of wine, should I also have some or order a cocktail? Same with oysters - force myself to have 1 to be polite or skip/order a separate app? Any advice on the above or fine dining business meals dos/don'ts in general would be appreciated...r/finedining said I'd probably get more advice here as people are more active. I prefer to eat alone, so I don't know what to do in social meals with people other than close friends and family