I turned my cousins first deer and my first woodcock into a few of my original penny spinners.
Last year my grandfather got his first deer in a while so to commemorate the occasion I decided to use the tail to make an inline spinner but to make it a little more special my girlfriend said I should use a rolled penny from the living museum for the blade. Thus the penny spinner was born. This year during hunting season I spent my time collecting deer tail, fox tail, coyote tails and woodcock feathers so I have a stockpile once season ends. All animal fur / feathers were legally harvested by my family , friends and self. They’re definitely one of my favorite little things and I ride with one on the rearview mirror of my truck. I spend thousands of dollars hunting every year , hours cleaning animals , drive atleast an hour each way to get the Pennies and I spend my time hand tying each one which takes about 45 minutes.