Moi! I need advice on a realistic immigration pathway to finland as a US (CA) citizen after graduating high school. M(17)

I have a lot to say, but I'm going to try to condense it as much as possible here.

A little backstory: I'm currently in my junior year of high school in an inland city in California. For the better part of four years, I have grappled with the fact that I can't see myself living in the United States due to both global tensions, living costs, stability and infrastructure, and the general desire to live somewhere away from the country- as far as I can go (with certain limitations)- being mostly fueled by my lifelong desire to live in Europe in a quiet, secluded place.

My family is mostly Dutch (with some living there), so at first I considered moving to the Netherlands. Once I learned about the overpopulation and insane cost of living, I forgot about it. I considered Austria or Switzerland- but I didn't really click all that much with the culture (the Alps are really cool though!). Germany and Sweden, unfortunately, are facing extreme immigration issues- and I personally don't want to contribute to said issues, so those were out of the question too.

I even considered some Baltic countries after meeting some people who lived in Latvia and Estonia- but realized that their infrastructure wasn't all that great, despite how secluded and rich their culture seemed.

Then, I learned about Finland. I was first intrigued by its really slept on music scene (Dingo is one of my favorite bands right now) and movie culture (Aki Kaurismäki and the like), and did deep research on demographics, immigrant dispora, population projections, cost of living vs. individual US states- and it just seemed as good as I could get. A generally self driven, self-kept society with a low population, cold weather, and such a deep culture that I'd die for my children to be apart of.

But, I get there's struggles. I get learning the language is hard. I get how expensive the major cities are. I get getting there in the first place is hard too. But despite that fact (as many Americans in this sub will agree with), going through the extreme shock and struggle of moving to Finland seems more attainable and realistic than having to live in the United States in it's current situation- and, quite frankly, despite my love for my country, I want to live somewhere that I resonate with.

So, I've done my homework (to the best of my ability). I'm learning the language (Chat GPT and im looking at getting some Finnish for Foreigners books- Duolingo sucks!). Now the issue is- how am I going to actually get there?

I'm a musician- a guitarist. I have interest in carpentery and metalworking, and I wouldn't mind working in a factory. I also have interest in maritime careers, i.e working for a shipping company or something similar. I'm also up for serving in the military for an indefinite period of time.

My grades aren't all that great, so I highly doubt I'd be able to get into one of Finland's insanely selective universities (even after CC or a trade school).

I know you can get a EU blue card for similar things, but I don't really know how it all works.

In general- what is my best route, the most REALISTIC route, and how can I work to achieve it?