Print Quality Maps of World of Balance/Ruin from Original FFIII (US) Release

Hey, all - I'm just posting these here as a public service for anyone else who is nostalgic enough to be looking for high-quality versions of the maps from the original SNES cartridge release in the US. I looked around online a bit, didn't find anything I liked, so I put in some hours on photoshop to clean up scans from my original to a satisfactory level for printing.

World of Balance Map (Print Quality)

World of Ruin Map (Print Quality)

World of Balance

World of Ruin

The pictures are of the printed finished-product. I ran off a few copies on a nice vinyl stock for friends with kids who are just getting to be old enough to appreciate the game.

I'll also be working on a cleaned up version of the OG rule book, but that will probably take considerably more time given the number of pages.

Anyways, if someone happens to be looking for these, hopefully this will save them the effort of replicating the work. Enjoy!