I don’t think Locke is that creepy (comparatively)

Okay, hear me out! I’m on my fourth playthrough of the game getting the platinum trophy on PS4. I’ve always felt that Locke’s plight was a bit exaggerated in the wider FF fandom, and I think I’ve found a little bit of evidence to exonerate him:

In Kohlingen, when you visit Rachel’s corpse, the man that embalmed her is clearly very strange. He’s constantly reassuring him and laughing. He’s giddy that he had the chance to do this weird shit to this girl. I’m almost positive that, if this game had voice acting, this character would be played sinister. The heehees and gweheehees are really throwing me off, I’m not convinced Locke wasn’t manipulated in a time of need to do something that would haunt him forever.

… and let’s be real, Edgar hits on a child in some versions. Setzer plans to kidnap a woman to make her his wife-slave in every version. If anything, the man who embalmed her and kept her in his basement is likely the one that would get in trouble in the real world 😂

I dunno, just a fun detail I never noticed since I normally skip bringing Locke around this point in the story. Definitely paints Locke a little differently in my head now.