I got rejected from EVERY film festival... so could you roast it please?

So, a couple of years ago I made a film, and to this day, it’s the one I’m most proud of.

For me, everything just worked. I loved the acting, the visuals, and the script was really personal to me. I was so excited to put it out into the world! And… nothing happened.

I submitted it to over 20 film festivals, and every time, I got the same answer: No.

I’m still super proud of the film, but after hearing the same automated rejection over and over, I started getting frustrated. I wanted to understand why it wasn’t getting in so I could actually learn from the experience.

So, I figured I’d ask you guys! If anyone has any straightforward, honest feedback on why the film failed, and how I can improve and make better films, I’d seriously appreciate it.

Thanks so much for your time! And without further ado, here’s the film:

Link! https://youtu.be/ZXF6FSKMyt4

Hope you enjoy it! :)

EDIT: THANK YOU SO MUCH for everyone who has watched and left feedback for the film. I had a very busy couple of days so I wasn’t able to check reddit but I’m very happy to get so much constructive criticism. I agree, the length is probably a huge issue, and also the dialogue could’ve been tighter.

While I was frustrated this didn’t get into festivals, I was more frustrated at the lack of feedback for the film , and I’m very happy I was able to get a lot :)

Thank you again for leaving your thoughts.

I’ll try my best to reply to every single comment, but even if I missed you, just know that I truly appreciate you spending time to help this kid improve.

See you with my next film, hopefully shorter and better than this one ;)