Simple Facebook Ads Tips that actually deliver Results!!

  1. Testing: The Key to Better Performance

Creative Testing: We tested video and images.carousel got better increase in engagement.

Audience Testing: We compared website visitors, Lookalike Audiences (LLA), interest-based, and broad targeting.

Website visitors and LLA delivered 2% higher CTR compared to interest-based and broad targeting.

However, interest-based and broad targeting proved to be more expensive.

  1. Lead Qualifying Questions: Improving Lead Quality

To reduce spam leads, we introduced qualifying questions in the lead form.

Before adding these questions, the spam rate was at 40%.

By asking important questions and setting conditions to filter out low-budget clients, we successfully improved lead quality.

  1. CRM: Automating Workflows and Boosting Conversions

Using a CRM system allowed us to automate workflows, such as sending instant messages to leads after they filled out the form.

Many customers said they didn’t remember filling out the lead form, but timely communication helped us address this.

As a result, we achieved a 30% increase in lead conversions compared to campaigns without a CRM.

  1. Offers: Attracting Clients with the Right Incentives

We tested multiple offers, including:10% to 30 % discounts, Free consultations, low pricing. The right offer made a difference in 40% of the campaign’s success.

Tip: Use the Facebook Ad Library to research your competitors offers