Kristen Bedoya - Fluent
Since Fluent adopted Kristin Bedoya as the Director of Retail, from the failing company The Cannabist, she has led to more turn over and less revenue overall. She has no idea how to make the situation better and just blames everyone else with zero solutions. I would really like to know when they’re going to realize she is burning the place down or if they even care (because what are you doing Ashley Kincade (HR Director), Samantha Hymes (VP), Victor Bindi (Chief Revenue Officer), Robert Beasley (CEO), or even David Letro (Marketing Director) to make this better, nothing right?)
She fired the prior Associate Director of Retail and Regional Manager of South Florida to then hire all her friends from the Cannabist to management roles
98% of stores have missed goal for 2 months straight which never happened before she was hired
47 people were laid off, some of which has no prior counseling records (aka they didn’t deserve to lose their jobs)
Multiple managers quit without notice due to mental health issues from the way she talks to people and the unrealistic expectations she has (while offering zero true support, only snarky comments that only she thinks are funny)
The company has had a 179% increase in overtime and then she banned overtime for anyone so the General Managers have to absorb all missed shifts
She changed the work week expectations for all managers so that they have to work 8 days in a row every month
She changed the work week expectations for Regional Managers so that their travel time is not included in 40 hours worked which means they’re driving upwards of 24 hours a month for free
She changed the employee work week expectations so they have to work 5 days a week if they’re full-time despite some employees having a set 4 day a week schedule for YEARS
She changed the inventory expectations so only the inventory specialist can make inventory adjustments for an entire region (7+ stores) and this role is paid $16.50/hour. Before this, the General Manager and Assistant Manager were the ones to edit inventory (which both are paid obviously more than $16.50/hr)
Do you really need more reasons?
It’s only going to continue to get worse until they deduce the common denominator here.