¿Should I contribute more to my pension?
For reference: 40k salary with a yearly increase of 4% + 12% employer pension contribution (invested in it's own made fund, mostly tech, industries and insurance). 0% contribution from me at the moment.
20k in ISA. 20k in Index Funds. 20k in several savings accounts with an average interest rate of 5.5%. Planning on moving it to ISA in the next fiscal year. 8k emergency fund. I'm in early 30s. No debt. No kids or dependents. Renting for a very good price, not interested in buying as I move a lot for work and will inherit a nice house at some point (I know it sounds horrible to say but...).
I feel like all I read about pensions is how people need to contribute more to theirs but not sure if that applies to me given that I don't have a particularly high salary and that my employer's contributions are not dependent on mine.
Would you still pay more into it? Would you do anything differently?
Any advice appreciated, started really thinking about my finances a short time ago and still lots to learn but I'm really enjoying it.