My miniatures settings - 0.06 layers
Creating this post because people asked about my settings on a previous post, so here they are:
They are a mix of FDG's settings and u/hohansen's (We are all waiting for your new findings, hurry up!). I didnt find 0.04 layers made to much of a difference so I set it to 0.06 to save time, although I havent painted them yet and maybe then the layer lines will show up (will update once painted, but you can change it to 0.04 and it will work just fine) I also changed the Wall Generator setting to classic because comparing the two it looks better to me.
For the filament settings I'm using FDG's but changed it to no cooling on the first layer only, as I was having no issues with adhesion. Also changed the temp to 215 after printing a temp tower, I recommend you do this test too to determine what temp to use. The filament I'm using is the Creality CR PLA, I havent tried others, this is the only one I have.
Finally here is the mini form my other post as an example. This was all printed in multiple parts trying to avoid supports as much as I could, cleaned with a hobby knife after removing the supports and glued with superglue: