Forced to Drop courses
Hello all. I’m assuming from all of the other posts that many others are having the same issues I am regarding financial aid. I just had to drop all of my courses! I’ve had my fafsa submitted since it first became available. I’ve had all other documentation submitted as well. The office near me didn’t get to fafsa until July. Didn’t process my other requirements until a week ago, and didn’t process my aid in time. They are refusing to work with students to wait for their aid to be dispersed, and expecting everyone to set up a payment plan. (I cannot afford $1,500 monthly payments lol) so they lost me as a student this semester. Funny how the change in the fafsa was supposed to make things easier. Instead it’s let down thousands of students who rely on their loans and aid to continue their education. Yet another 5 month delay towards my bachelors. Yippie. I want everyone else having this issue to know they are not alone. I feel defeated and angry that I did everything on my end only to be let down by the government. (Shocker)