Did SMILE Surgery Give Me Severe Floaters? Feeling Desperate & Need Advice

Hey everyone,

I’m a 34-year-old male, and about three months ago, I had SMILE surgery to correct my myopia. I was excited to finally be free of glasses and contact lenses, but instead, my vision has been worse than ever, and I feel like my life has been turned upside down.

Right after surgery, I noticed severe glow and glare around text and bright lights, making night driving nearly impossible. Thankfully, this has improved by about 50%, and I’m slowly adjusting. However, what’s really destroying my life is something else…

Two weeks after surgery, I suddenly noticed a whole bunch of moving objects in my vision—in both eyes. I was looking at a white screen when I saw them for the first time, and I completely freaked out. I had never seen anything like this before in my life.

I went to the doctor, and he told me I had a posterior vitreous detachment (PVD). But after doing some research, I realized this is highly unlikely: - I’m only 34, and PVD typically happens later in life. - Getting a PVD in both eyes at the exact same time seems almost impossible.

The doctor says the floaters are unrelated to the surgery, but I don’t believe that for a second. They appeared after the surgery, and I know for sure I didn’t have them before.

What My Floaters Look Like:

They seem to be in the front part of my eyes, not deep like normal floaters.

They are blurry, thin but short or very long and move extremely fast when I move my eyes.

I can see different layers of them, almost like a 3D cobweb floating in my entire vision.

Older floaters I've seen a handful of times in my life before the surgery are still there and they are sharper and move slower, so these new ones are clearly different.

It looks like dozens of thin, blurry hairs floating around.

After about two months, I noticed a new and terrifying symptom: When looking at screens at night, I see a long, light-diffusing band moving in my vision. It creates glow around text and moves just like my floaters. It’s definitely new—I would have noticed this before.

I have a theory that these are damaged or broken pieces of the vitreous.

Did SMILE Damage My Vitreous?

Something else that bothers me is that during the surgery, the surgeon struggled to remove the lenticules. He took 3 minutes in my right eye and 1.5 minutes in my left eye. I felt a lot of pressure on my eyes, and I even got a migraine-like feeling afterward. My right eye has more floaters, which is also where the surgeon spent the most time.

My life feels ruined right now and I'm having a very hard time to try to keep positive.

It’s now been 2.5 months, and my floaters are driving me insane. I see them constantly, except when it’s really dark.

I’m living with constant anxiety and feel like I’m slipping into depression.

Before surgery, I was extremely happy. Now, I feel like I made the worst mistake of my life.

I even lost my job, and while they didn’t explicitly say it was because of my constant sick leaves, I strongly suspect that was the reason.

Considering Vitrectomy – Would It Be Worth It?

I know vitrectomy is a serious surgery with risks, but I’m desperate. I don’t want to rush into it, but if these floaters are permanent, I don’t know how I can live like this forever.

ChatGPT tells me that if these floaters were caused by the surgery and are in the front of my eye, there’s a good chance they could improve over time.

But I don’t know what to believe anymore. I feel completely lost and was hoping to hear from anyone who has gone through something similar.

Would love to hear your thoughts. Anyone else experienced floaters after SMILE? Did they go away? And if you had a vitrectomy, would you recommend it in my situation?

Thanks in advance for any advice.