Please help
Please be kind, my breastfeeding journey has been a struggle and I recently came to terms with okay pumping 1-2 times a day with a 1 (one) oz shot for my 11 week old. I had a c section and lost a lot of blood, rough recovery and my milk was always low and I never followed the every 2 hr pump rule.. I did get my period about 6 weeks pp...
So the other night I skipped my night pump for that 1 oz shot of gold because my toddler was sick all night... that coupled with getting my period again soon has drastically dried me out...I now started to try pumping every 3 to 4 hrs but still had 6 hrs gaps sadly and I also have adhd and I suspect this is another reason why a pumping schedule is so so so so hard for me...I'm eating and drinking plenty...water, non alcoholic beer, oatmeal, proteon, coconut oil, etc. Chamomile tea too
Please any advice on how I can increase my supply asap. Thank you all so much!!